- ConceptThe land seen by the river The city seen by the river
- Nature, Water…2021 Tarascon
- Irrigation2018 Folie Numérique, Paris Parc de La Villette 2018 Le Hublot, Nice 2012 Zinc Friche Belle de Mai, LABo des Fées
- Sporen2018 Biannual contemporary fine arts events in Belgium
- ArtFareins2016 ArtFareins
- Bridges2015 Landart Diessen
- Priory2013 Contemporary Art Bourget du Lac Priory
- Arteppes2011 Locus Exhibition Arteppes, Contemporary Art Space, Annecy
- Avignon2010-2011 Bridges Exhibition (Exposition Ponts) The Great Chapel in the Palace of the Popes
- Arles2011 Exibition The International Photography Festival Off
- Altitude2010 Private command
- Siberia2009 Artist Residency in Siberia
- Auzat2009 Public Market
- Flux Aura2009 Artist Residency in Turku, Finland
- In Situ 0.42008 Artist Residency
- Sentier des lauzes2008 Artist Residency
- Fées d’hiver2008 'Parcours des Fées' in Ubaye Valley
- Art/terre2008 Biannual contemporary fine arts events in Belgium
- Galerie 292008 Exhibition
- International Biennial of Image of Nancy2008
- Regional Council of Lorraine2008 Regional Council of Lorraine
- Sculptures in the City2006 Contemporary Art in Annecy